Monday, June 8, 2015

Another day in paradise

So I emailed my rheumatologist because of the swelling in my hands and knees today. Believe it or not I did receive a call back but it was from the nurse telling me the doctor was out of the office until next Monday June 15th, if it was something that could not wait then she would pass the info onto another do and get back to me, I said it can wait, it's been this long. She replied with if it gets worse call or message me and I will try to fit you I  with another doctor. I'm sitting here thinking that maybe I should have asked to see another doc, maybe they would have helped me out being that mine never does. Lol
Knees still swollen and hurting, my fingers are hurting so bad. No matter what I do they hurt, just bending them, or trying to pick something up hurts.. grr I am not happy that this cap is progressing so darn fast.
I wish they would give me something to help slow it down some.
I have 4 appointments next week and I pray I get some answers to help.
that's all for tonight

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day by Day

As each day goes by more symptoms surface, my knees are swelling and hurting, two of my fingers are swollen at the knuckles and hurt when I try to bend them. Along with all the other issues I have had since October seem to just get worse instead of getting better. I am totally at a lose as to what to do or what to expect at this point. None of my doctors seem to want to control it. They all seem to pass to buck onto the next doctor on the list.  I feel like I play "ring around the rosie" with them.
I have been extremely tired, and have absolutely no energy, and to top it off I feel a little depressed. At least I think that is what it is. I've never been one to be depressed cause I always just keep chugging forward. I have always been on the go type of person and for me to not be on the go or even want to be on the go is just not me.
I want to be the person I was 8 months ago before I got first got sick. I can't really explain what it is I'm feeling, besides being frustrated and angry with the doctors at this point.

My goal is to try my hardest to snap out of this funk I'm in and conquer whatever it is that I have to in order to stop the gremlins that are within from multiplying and taking over completely. I am going to try not to be so cranky, and irritated all the time. Of course I can't promise that, being that I hurt and there seems to be nothing I can do to stop it.

Well even if I can't stop the above, I will try to be more of the person  I use to be going forward.

May God watch over everyone I love and protect them.

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015

Today was a better day. My legs are not hurting anything like they were the past few days. It has been a busy day but much better. Stomach is upset and flipping a little tonight, but stress is the reason for that. I worry to much most of the time and let things get to me.  I go to my primary doctor Wednesday  which is good, I have a lot to discuss with him. I reviewed and researched some test results and need to discuss this with him. I will update when I know more.
But for tonight I am going to end this short blog and watch some tv.

April 19, 2015

It has been a long day. I've been dealing with this for a long time but recently got diagnosed with Crest syndrome, mctd, and fibromyalgia, and still going through test. 

I am always so tired, of course I don't sleep well at night.  Today is a day the gremlins are winning the fight.  The past couple days my legs have been aching a lot and it drives me crazy. I can't seem to get them to let me get through a whole day with out pain. I tired of not being able to eat without my stomach hurting really bad. I have reduced eating to once a day so that I don't have to deal with the pain but a little while. I take the medication as the doctor has prescribed but it is not working. Everything I mention it to him. His responses is give it time. It can take up to six weeks to work. Well news flash doc, I have been on it since November 2014 and it is now April 2015. I think I have surpassed the 6 week mark. 
I hope everyone has a great night until tomorrow I will fair a good night.